Typical mistakes when opening a bar and how to avoid them

Among the common mistakes

Typical mistakes when opening a bar and how to avoid them

Among the common mistakes when opening your own bar are:

  • Problems with equipment. It is necessary to choose equipment according to the needs of the establishment. Many novice restaurateurs buy equipment that either cannot handle the load, or does not meet the needs of the production. To avoid this, consult with an experienced technologist and take into account the area and capacity of the institution.
  • Employee turnover problems. To eliminate the problem of staff turnover, to begin with set a decent wage and provide optimal working conditions. Then you need to properly build a system of motivation.
  • Problems of theft. A very common problem in the catering industry. To avoid this, automate production. Install an accounting system Poster, with which you can manage all the processes of the bar without being in it. This way you can keep track of income and expenses, deliveries and stock balances. You should also install surveillance cameras to be able to sort it out if there is a problem.

2 thoughts on “Typical mistakes when opening a bar and how to avoid them

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